Acupuncture and Dry needling has been accepted as a pain - management tool in many health care settings.
Dry Needling is a treatment technique whereby a sterile, single-use, fine filament needle (acupuncture needle) is inserted into the muscle to assist with decreasing pain and improving function through the release of myofascial trigger points (knots in the muscle).
Dry Needling is primarily focused on the reduction of pain and restoration of function through the release of myofascial trigger points in muscle.
The theory proposes that when a non – painful tactile stimulation, such as massage is applied to a perceived painful area, we experience pain relief in that specific body location. Ie rubbing a sore spot. Cupping over the area may reduce pan via the pain-gate mechanism.
Dry needling can help with our bodies response to pain. Research suggests Acupuncture can be equivalent to pain drugs. Dry needling releases an opioid chemical, desensitisations the pain, affects 3 the sympathetic nervous system.
3 Mechanisms of signals: